South Africa
New feature 24 Jul 2023

Set up your preferred device on the App

Receive security notifications and authorisations on your preferred device
Step 1 of 5

To begin, go to your home screen and select More on the bottom navigation.

Step 2 of 5

Next, select the View all devices option.

Step 3 of 5

Now you will see a list of all the devices that are linked to your banking profile. 

Simply select the relevant device which you want to setup as your preferred device.


Step 4 of 5

Finally on your Device detail screen, select the toggle-on option to set this device as your Preferred device.

Step 5 of 5

All done!

Your selected device has been set up as your preferred device. You will now receive security notifications and authorisations on this device.

When you ready, use the back arrow buttons in the header (top left-hand corner) to return to the home screen.

How to select your preferred Banking App device.